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Cats typically give birth to 4-6 kittens in a litter, which can be a handful.
It’s an exciting time for the whole family but can become a little worrying if you notice that your cat is constantly moving her litter from one place to another, especially if it’s bringing you her kittens.
But don’t panic; it’s completely normal and can happen for a few reasons.
Reasons Why Your Cat Brings You Her Kittens
Your Cat Is Proud
Your cat just gave birth to a beautiful litter of kittens, and she just wants to show you how amazing they are. You’re her family, after all, so who better to show off to?
She Needs Some Help
If your cat’s a new mom, it might be a confusing time for her. She may bring her kittens to you to ask for assistance. How can she possibly feed, bathe and keep an eye on them all at the same time?
You’ll need to help.
She Needs To Keep The Kittens Safe
It’s a scary world out there, and your cat can’t take all her kittens with her everywhere she goes.
If she needs a bit of alone time, she’ll fetch her kittens to you to look after them while she’s away, just like a babysitter.
She Wants Them To Get To Know You
According to askmycats, your cat sees you as part of the family, and just like aunts and uncles, she wants her kittens to know you and trust you like she does.
She’ll present them to you as often as possible so they can familiarize themselves with your smell and voice and can feel more comfortable.
How Do I Know if My Cat Trusts Me With Her Kittens?
If your cat moves her kittens to a safe place that’s nearer to you, you can be confident that she trusts you to take care of them in her absence.
Feline mothers are incredibly protective of their kittens, and kittens can stay with their mother and be dependent on milk right up to 8-10 weeks old, after which point they should be fully weaned.
During this time, they form an amazing bond, and due to a feline’s independent nature, it takes a special person to be involved in that bond.
If your cat carries her litter into a place where she knows you spend a lot of time, it’s clear that she trusts you.
On the other hand, you might see your cat removing the kittens from your home or trying to hide them away in a usually quiet corner and out of the way.
This might mean that your cat isn’t confident that she can trust you and is feeling a little insecure about leaving her kittens with you.
How Do You Get A Cat To Bring You Her Kittens?
If you already have a great bond with your cat, she’ll probably bring her kittens to you herself.
However, if she’s taken to hiding them and you’re unsure where they are – sometimes cats will give birth outside and hide the kittens – then it’s a good idea to watch where she’s going when she leaves.
Once you’ve determined where the kittens are, don’t go in all guns blazing. Get closer to her hiding place gradually, and sit there without appearing threatening.
Don’t dive in; just greet her when she comes out. Also, never raise your voice or use any threatening behavior around the kittens.
The more comfortable your cat is with you being around in a calm, safe environment, the more likely she is to bring her kittens to you.

Why Does My Cat Bring Me Only One Kitten?
Usually, your cat will come to you because you’re her family, and she knows she can trust you. If she only brings a single kitten, it’s not usually because that’s her favorite.
It could be because she’s particularly worried about that kitten for some reason. Perhaps she believes it’s sick.
Gently take a look at the kitten to see if you can see any obvious signs of illness. You should also encourage your cat to bring the rest of her kittens to you if you can.
If you have one smaller kitten, it needs the warmth of the others around it.

Why Is A Stray Cat Bringing Me Her Kittens?
Although stray cats don’t technically have a home, they tend to attach themselves to a family if the family feeds them or provides a safe, warm place to stay.
You’re as close to a family as they’re going to get, so in desperate situations, they may come to you for help.
If it’s getting a little chilly outside, a stray cat may fetch her kittens to you in the hope that you’ll take them into the warm house.
And who can resist the cute little balls of fluff? Of course you’ll take them in.
Remember though, you should never separate the mom from the kittens. They need the nutrients from her milk, and she will get very stressed if she’s not able to reach them.
Why Does My Cat Keep Moving Her Kittens?
Because cats are very protective of their young and still have a lot of the wildness to their characters, they need to ensure that their kittens are safe at all times.
This means that they’re always alert to the dangers of the environment and may pick up on something that they feel is a threat to their kittens, even if you might not notice it yourself.
If your cat is constantly moving her kittens, it’s probably because she hasn’t found a space where she feels comfortable to leave them.
You can help her out by creating a warm, cozy box in a quiet corner of a room.
She needs somewhere that she can lay down comfortably to feed them, and she can see all angles of the room to ensure she keeps an eye out for any threats.
Placing a cat bed in a corner will usually encourage your cat to move right in, just like this proud mother:
Why Does My Cat Keep Moving Her Kittens Under My Bed?
Your bed is a safe haven for your cat. It’s dark, warm, and relatively comfortable. Plus, it’s somewhere that smells of you, and if your cat trusts you as her family, it’s a place where she believes she’s safe.
It’s also likely that, depending on the layout of your house, there are warm pipes that run underneath your bed, which is a great place to set up a nest because she can guarantee the kittens will remain warm, even if she leaves them.
Moving her kittens under the bed gives her that peace of mind. She knows that’s the perfect place for them, and you’ll look after them if she needs to go out by herself.
Always make sure your bear this in mind when getting in and out of bed, though. You don’t want to tread on a wandering kitten in the night.
Cats are excellent mothers and are typically totally devoted to their kittens. It’s even possible to keep mother cats with their kittens throughout their lives.
If your cat decides to bring her kittens to you, there’s no greater compliment. Your cat clearly trusts you to take care of them, and it’s taken a lot for her to do that.